First Blog Post

My name is Jeff Larsh and I am proud to be a Dentist's Husband.

My wife, Dr Amanda Larsh, is one of the most passionate and talented people I know, something that extends far past just her dentistry. She is an artist, a beautiful singer and a mother that fights tooth (sorry) and nail to balance the increasing demands to be both a strong, professional business owner and an active loving part of our 4 year old daughters life.

I sometimes don't know how she does it to be frank. For example, she has time, check that, she makes time to be both the president of her local Dental Association and still bake from scratch her daughters incredible birthday cakes (Image attached at the bottom). She is a wonder women and does not get nearly the credit she deserves. So I thought, what better way to start this blog then to highlight the reason I am here in the first 
place, as a Dentist's Husband.

So that brings me to the crux of the situation and the reason for me writing this. What am I trying to accomplish? My mission here is simple: I want to help bridge the gap between the Entrepreneur and Dentist.

I want to help those such as my wife, who have spent all of their energies developing the technical skills and knowledge necessary to be the amazing practitioners they are, to tap into their Entrepreneurial side. Because it is their, for each and every one of you! You want things done your way, you want autonomy and you want the financial benefits that you were promised.

But they didn't train you in school to run a business. You have spent thousands of hours on honing your Dental skills, but through no fault of your own, have not the experience or time to navigate the dynamics of a growing practice and corresponding team.

I am going to talk about the foundational business practices that, from my experience, has been notably absent in the Dental professional world. Actionable tips and advice from 20 years of mistakes, that will make running your practice easier.

So whether you are a current practice owner, an associate looking to buy in the future or a new grad that knows they are destined to own in the future, I believe you will find my writings on the topic both entertaining and edu

cational. I hope to challenge the way you look at business ownership and ultimately, show you that in order to reach your true potential, you need to be both an Entrepreneur AND a Dentist.

Let's get started!

Thanks for reading and please subscribe for future blog posts.

As Promised:
